Category Archives: Events

Kenilworth Presbyterian Church MLK Celebration Jan 20

Martin Luther King

  • Monday, January 20 in the Fellowship Hall of Kenilworth Presbyterian Church, 123 Kenilworth Ave, Asheville.  Potluck from 5:30-6:30pm and the program from 6:30 until 7:30pm.
  • The program for the evening is the past, present and future of slave history in Buncombe County. Drew Reisinger, Buncombe Co. Register of Deeds, will be speaking about the Buncombe Co. slave deeds that are now available on line and David Quinn, who is helping to restore the South Asheville Cemetery will be speaking about the future of the cemetery.
  • We will have the interactive exhibit “An Unmarked Trail” from the Center for Diversity Education at our celebration. We will have a DJ spinning great tunes and will have craft projects for children.
  • For more information contact Katie Adams 828-252-8872 or email

Documentary: The House I Live In

A-B Community Relations Council

ABCRC presents: The House I Live In
January 19th, 6:00 PM
Firestorm Cafe & Books
48 Commerce St., Asheville 28801

Join us for a screening of the documentary The House I Live In on January 19th at Firestorm Bookstore and Cafe. Seating will be limited, so please arrive early. Donations to ABCRC are welcome. 30 minute informal discussion to follow!

About The House I Live In: Since Richard Nixon declared the war on drugs 40 years ago, millions of people have been incarcerated for low-level drug law violations, resulting in disproportionate impacts on poor and low-income communities and communities of color, a growing epidemic of drug overdose fatalities, and increased rates of addiction and misuse. The drug war plays a major role in feeding the crisis of mass incarceration, where an ever-increasing number of Americans are imprisoned or placed under criminal justice supervision for low-level offenses – costing taxpayers billions of dollars every year. It will take a drastic shift in public consciousness and perception to create the change needed to effectively and successful end the war on drugs. THE HOUSE I LIVE IN provides an opportunity to educate and engage policymakers, faith and community leaders, and individuals working in the public and private sectors about the colossal failure of the drug war.

watch the trailer:

We look forward to seeing you there!  For more information or questions about the event, please contact ABCRC at 828/252-4713.

Asheville African American Heritage Commission Vote TUESDAY NIGHT!

On Tuesday, January 14, 2014 there will be a presentation encouraging Asheville City Council to approve a joint City-County resolution establishing an Asheville African American Heritage Commission. We’re hoping for a packed gallery – need the community to be present. Please come out and support this worthy cause. The presentation will be done towards the end of the Agenda. See under VI. NEW BUSINESS on the link below. You will also find a link to the Resolution there. It’s difficult to determine what time we’ll get to present. We are asking folks to arrive by 6 – 6:30 at the latest. Spread the word.

YMI Dickson-Stephens Leadership Institute

From the YMI Cultural Center:

Asheville,N.C. – The YMI Cultural Center announced today its release of The Dickson-Stephens Leadership Institute. Named for Mr. Issac Dickson and Dr. Edward Stephens, who were the founders of the YMI, DSLI is a 10- week leadership cohort program that addresses the personal, cultural, civic and professional needs of emerging African American leaders in Asheville City and Buncombe County. Through the Institute, DSLI works to build a group of transformative African American leaders who hold a lifelong commitment to create lasting change in the African American community.

About The YMI Cultural Center
The YMI opened its doors in 1893 as the Young Men’s Institute. The institute was erected as a location for black men to improve their moral fiber through self- governance. The targeted areas were: education, economics and entrepreneurship. The YMI Cultural Center continues to focus on these areas some 120 years later through smart partnerships through exhibitions, lectures, collaborative class offerings, income tax assistance for low income citizens and asset management resources. For more information, please visit The YMI Cultural Center website:

About The Dickson-Stephens Leadership Institute

The Dickson-Stephens Leadership Institute will equip African-American professionals, ages 22-35, with the necessary skills to make positive transformations in their schools, communities, and society.  Through this program, participants will gain skills in leadership development, resiliency, cultural competence, and will develop stronger levels of self-esteem and a positive identity. Session one begins January 2014.

To learn more of the Young African American Leaders Institute please contact the Program Director:

Dr. Lamar Hylton or
Sharon K. West, Chair of the YMI Board of Directors

Building Bridges Session 43 – starting soon!

The Mission of Building Bridges is to enable our community to confront and overcome racism through a continuing process of changing attitudes and hearts through education, conscious-ness raising, nurturing, and ongoing support. Our goal is to be intentional in respecting diversity within our community.
The board, facilitators, volunteers and I are in the process of preparing for you, your friends, acquaintances and others to come to Building Bridges session 43 as we begin our twenty-first year of building relationships through education, understanding and dialogue.  Please consider enrolling or re-enrolling in this session and do distribute the attached flyer widely.  Consider who you can send it to and where you can post it, including your social organizations, businesses, offices, churches…
Your voices are needed.  Our white participants are always amazed that the usual participation rate of African Americans is low.  They are disappointed because they typically hope to have an experience with more racial diversity and they truly benefit from hearing our stories, experiences…  Most of them don’t have a clue what the African American experience is like but they show up, listen and care.  Participation in Building Bridges is a way we can make Asheville/Buncombe County better place.  It facilitates communication, understanding and respect.  Let’s grow these seeds so that we can work together to actualize the kind of community we want to live in.
Blessings to you in this new year,
Jackie Simms
Volunteer Building Bridges Coordinator
828 687-7759

Melissa Harris-Perry: WCU’s MLK Jr. 2014 Keynote Speaker

On behalf of the 2014 Martin Luther King, Jr. Planning Committee, the Department of Intercultural Affairs of Western Carolina University cordially invites you to join us in welcoming Melissa Harris-Perry as WCU’s MLK Jr. 2014 Keynote Speaker on Wednesday, January 22, 2014 at 7:00p.m., in the A.K. Hinds University Center Grand Room. This event is free to the public.

Melissa V. Harris-Perry is host of MSNBC’s “Melissa Harris-Perry.”  The show airs on Saturdays and Sundays from 10AM to Noon ET.  Harris-Perry is professor of political science at Tulane University, where she is founding director of the Anna Julia Cooper Project on Gender, Race, and Politics in the South.  Harris-Perry is author of the well received new book, Sister Citizen: Shame, Stereotypes, and Black Women in America (Yale 2011) and the award winning text Barbershops, Bibles, and BET: Everyday Talk and Black Political Thought (Princeton 2004). Professor Harris-Perry is a columnist for The Nation magazine where she also writes a monthly column also titled Sister Citizen.  She lives in New Orleans with her husband, James Perry, and is the mother of a terrific daughter, Parker. Reception/book signing to follow presentation in UC Illusions.

Martin Luther King Jr. – Asheville Events

Thanks to Jackie Simms for sharing these events with me. They are also included in our calendar. We’ve got a vibrant community of activists, cultural events, people working hard to make our community a place of uplift and opportunity. Let’s all SHOW UP!

  • The MLK, Jr. Breakfast – This is truly a multicultural event held at the Grove Park Inn, Saturday, January 18th, 8:30 A.M.  This year there are two speakers.  One, an attorney turned filmmaker, Dawn Porter, founder of Trilogy Films and director of Gideon’s Army.  (Gideon’s Army, will be screened at UNCA on Friday night.)  The second speaker is Travis Williams, featured in the film as one of three public defenders who dedicate their lives and careers to seeking justice for those most in need.  An interview with Attorney Williams can be seen on Democracy Now, episode dated January 24, 2013, search under Gideon’s Army.  The Ethical Society of Asheville has requested a reserved table.  Tickets are $30 each    Additional information:
  • “Fulfilling Dr. King’s Dream Through Education” will be the subject of the Sunday, January 19th meeting of the Ethical Society of Asheville, 2:00-3:30 PM at the Friends Meeting House, 227 Edgewood Road in North Asheville (off Merrimon Avenue near UNCA). Two programs will be highlighted in the panel presentation: Read To Succeed, and the MacNolia Cox Spelling Bee sponsored by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority.
    Marjorie Locke will discuss the range of after-school enrichment programs offered by Delta House, highlighting the spelling bee, which is named in honor of the first black child to become a finalist in the national spelling bee in 1936; in an apparent attempt to keep her from winning, the judges assigned her a word that had not been among those studied by all participants. Locke has an extensive background in the financial sector and, since retirement, has been active on the YWCA Board of Directors and as a volunteer, board member, and tutor with Delta House and its programs. 
    Read To Succeed (R2S) will be presented by three speakers: Isaac Coleman, focusing on the origin and founding of the program; Catherine Alter, discussing the current program’s goals, objects, and methods; and Pat Bastian, who will describe her experiences as an R2S tutor.  Coleman has an extensive resume in human services and housing issues as well as many years serving on community boards; he is the founder and chair of R2S. Alter is a retired Dean of Social Work, author of four books, and expert in helping at-risk children, and Bastian is currently an active community volunteer.
  •  Following the Day of Service clean up project of the Burton Street Peace Garden January 20th, volunteers are invited for food and fellowship in honor of Fred Simms, who recently became unexpectedly ill and passed on December 16th.  This Day of Service project is sponsored by Green Opportunities.  Fred was a Green Opportunities Ambassador.  (His memorial service will be held February 15th 1:00 PM at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Asheville building.)
  • At the MLK, Jr. Weekend culminating event, The Candlelight Service,  6 PM Monday, January 20th, the Reynolds-Miller Chorale will provide the music.  The Chorale has been in existence almost 45 years and originally consisted of graduates of Stephens-Lee High School, the segregated African American High School in Asheville.  It has a rich history.

UNCA Asheville to Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Week with Community Service, Special Events

UNC Asheville will celebrate the life and work of Martin Luther King, Jr. with a series of special events January 17-24. Although classes will not be in session on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, student volunteers will turn their day off into “A Day On,” by contributing a day of service to community organizations on January 20, and the week includes films, workshops and other special activities.

These events will also be included in our calendar.