Goombay Vendor Search Announcement

Goombay-2014Goombay is happening this year! The YMI Cultural Center, Inc. is hosting this event on September 12th-14th on the Roger McGuire Green. We are really excited for this year’s event. We will have more room to dance and have fun and more space for great vendors with tasty ethnic food, arts and crafts, handbags, clothes and more. We are seeking vendor for this year’s event. We have created a payment plan to make it easier on the wallet.

We encourage businesses, organizations and non profits to apply. Simply send your request to to request an application. We want this event to be jam packed with goodness so get your application to get the ball rolling. We also have a few at the YMI for you to pick up. The deadline for applications is Friday July 4th.

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About Sasha Mitchell

I am a family and community historian, professional organizer, heirloom seamstress, mom of three sons, foster mom, and all-around digital whiz and helpful person. :) In my day job, I am the Operations Manager for Dogwood Alliance, protecting Southern forests and communities from the harms of industrial logging.

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