UNC Asheville and the Center for Diversity Education present:
The Black Thief Stereotype, Shopping While Black, and Consumer Racial Profiling in the 21st Century.
Thursday, March 27, 5:30 p.m., Sherrill Athletic Center, Mountain Suites
Guest Lecturer: Dr. Shaun Gabbidon, (1967 b, Jamaican descent, born in England, raised in U.S.A) Criminologist and Academic.

Dr. Gabbidon has served as a fellow at Harvard University’s W. E. B. Du Bois Institute for Afro-American Research, and has taught at the Center for Africana Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. The author of more than 100 scholarly publications including more than 60 peer-reviewed articles and 11 books, his most recent books include Race and Crime (3rd edition; 2012, SAGE) and the co-authored book, A Theory of African American Offending (2011; Routledge). Professor Gabbidon currently serves as the Founding Editor of the SAGE journal, Race and Justice: An International Journal. The recipient of numerous awards, Dr. Gabbidon was most recently awarded the 2009 W.E.B. Du Bois Award from the Western Society of Criminology and the 2011 Outstanding Mentor Award from the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences.